Calling All Hall Monsters!

  1. ToonaCat wants to put up a "Hall of Shame" page dedicated to Hall Monsters--like from the story, "Bobby and the Hall Monsters." If you'd like to send some Monster illustrations of either Boscoe and Snake, or make up some of their monster pals, do the following:

    You can draw or paint the monsters on paper and send it to ToonaCat to scan for you.


  2. Paint your Monsters in your favorite paint program.

  3. Save the monster file as a .gif if you can.
    A pict, or .bmp file will work too.

  4. Send the file as an email attachment to ToonaCat

  5. Put the word "Monster" as the subject of your email. (ToonaCat gets lot's of letters and it really helps to have the correct subject.)

  6. Please be sure to send the following information in the email message:

    Your name
    Your age and grade
    The state or country where you live.
    Your monster's name
    Any information you'd like to tell about your monster.
    Your hobbies

    If you see your monster art is displayed by ToonaCat, you can print out a certificate of achievement and/or download a banner for your homepage!

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